Book an appointment.

Whether you’re looking for guidance before your new puppy comes home, already enjoying that puppy breath but need some help with housetraining or building foundational skills, or need assistance with your adolescent or adult dog, you can find an option here.

Bella, owner: Jessica; image description, a fluffy black and white puppy facing the camera, lying on a grey carpet, with a stuffed toy behind her

Puppy Skills (45 mins - 1 hour)

For puppies 8-20 weeks old. Sessions may be 45 minutes so as not to overtax a tired puppy.

Efforts focus on socialization, handling, body language, as well as building engagement, relationship, and positive experiences for helping to develop a confident and comfortable pup. Foundational training concepts (luring, shaping, capturing) will also be introduced, with basic skills (Touch, Down, etc) as needed and as time allows.


1 Session - $125

3 Sessions - $325 (save $25)

6 Sessions - $625 (save $125)


$100 per session

Blue, owner: Krista Earnest; image description, a Husky mix (mostly black with white paws, chest, and stripe on nose) with piercing blue eyes lays outdoors, looking at the camera

Canine Skills (1 hour)

For dogs 5+ months old.

Adolescent and adult dogs may have developed habits from behavior practiced earlier in their lives, so efforts here may focus on management, teaching alternative skills, as well as ensuring emotional and physical needs are met. Will also educate on body language and building a good relationship with your dog.

Working on the skills to earn a Canine Good Citizen title would be covered here.

Limited behavior concerns (barking, jumping, digging, chewing, pulling on leash, etc) could be accepted under Canine Skills, for dogs with no bite history.


1 Session - $130

3 Sessions - $360 (save $30)

6 Sessions - $650 (save $130)


$100 per session

One session, or multiple?

A single session is useful for previous clients who just want a refresher, those comfortable with force-free training and wanting to review their training plan, cover a single topic more in-depth (such as housetraining or body language), or train 1-2 new skills such as Place, Touch, recall, etc.

For the best results, multiple sessions are often needed, so you have time for practice, feedback, and to get additional questions answered as you train. More sessions also means you can delve into additional skills or address more challenging environments.

Package discounts are available for in-person sessions!

Client will receive a written summary along with relevant links and other resources within 48 hours of session end.