All Sessions

Regardless of whether you are working with us virtually or in-person, one session or multiple, after completing the training contract and appropriate intake form, you can expect to receive:

Ethical, Effective, Science-Based Methods

Whether you want to teach your dog to Sit or are working on a more complex skill or behavior concern, the trainer will provide humane force-free guidance relevant to your needs, striving to ensure you and your dog feel safe and comfortable throughout the process. Developing a positive relationship between you and your pet, identifying good choices you can reinforce, recommendations for management, and explanations of body language to help you understand your pet’s communication, are included in all sessions. Other skills and behaviors introduced will be flexible to you and your pet’s needs.

Written Documentation

Written summary available within 48 hours of each session, along with any relevant links or graphics, plus a worksheet for practice / homework; these will be placed into client’s private Google Drive folder. Client will have lifetime access to this folder.

Trainer Access

Ability to upload video clips into the Google Drive folder for trainer review, along with email and text access to the trainer for 14 days after each session, for questions relating to concerns identified in the intake questionnaire or initial session. All email or text messages from current clients will receive a response within 24 hours.

In-Person Sessions

Location: Client’s home, or a previously agreed-upon public pet-friendly location

Virtual Sessions

Location: Zoom online meeting

Single / Multiple Sessions

The initial session always includes a review of the information provided, including your pet’s history, environment, and routine. For clients with a single session, that may only allow for 1-2 skills to be introduced with limited time for follow-up questions throughout the next two weeks.

Multiple sessions are always recommended to provide more comprehensive guidance for your situation. Discounts available!

Puppy Skills

Focus: puppies 8-20 weeks old; building a confident puppy who feels safe and comfortable in our human world, and has the skills to exist happily in our home and society

Skills & Behaviors: socialization, housetraining, handling, focus / engagement, foundational training skills (luring, targeting, capturing), sit, down, stand, go to mat, nose target, greeting people politely, basics of recall and loose-leash walking, etc

Canine Skills

Focus: dogs 5+ months old; developing skills necessary for your dog to feel safe and comfortable in our home and society, building confidence for dogs who may need it, addressing limited behavior concerns (jumping, digging, barking, chewing) for dogs with no bite history

Skills & Behaviors: focus / engagement, foundational training skills (luring, targeting, capturing), sit, down, stand, go to mat, nose target, recall, loose-leash walking, relaxed heel, greeting people politely, skills for the Canine Good Citizen title, etc

Fear-Free Sessions

Focus: reducing your pet’s fear, anxiety, and stress surrounding medical care and husbandry, such as basic grooming, nail care, handling, or vet visits

Skills & Behaviors: go to mat, chin rest, nose target, stand for exam, lay on side, building positive associations with handling and gentle restraint, conditioning to a muzzle, etc

Behavior Modification

Focus: identifying your pet’s triggers and thresholds, management for safety, building you and your pet’s comfort and confidence while respecting emotions, progressing to the next step when your pet is ready; all behavior modification has a heavy focus on body language

Skills & Behaviors: (broadly speaking) desensitization and counterconditioning, creating a more positive conditioned emotional response, play, reinforcing alternate behaviors (moving away, sniffing, engaging with the handler, looking away, etc), teaching skills for redirection (go to mat, nose touch), etc