Book an appointment.

Don’t feel like you need a full session, but still want some assistance? We’ve got you covered!

Quick Consult Options

Discovery Call (free) - if you’re not sure which type of session is best for your situation, consider a free discovery call! You’ll have up to 15 minutes to chat with the trainer as to the most appropriate package for you and your pet. No training advice will be given during this call, except referring to other professionals if needed.

Phone Consult ($20) - a quick 20 minute phone call with the trainer to get advice on safety tips or management ideas, or on a specific (brief) training question. Limited training advice will be provided. If you purchase a phone consult and then purchase a session (or package) within 7 days, the cost of the phone consult will be discounted.

Virtual Consult ($50) - if you prefer a bit of a longer conversation with more of a face-to-face, the virtual consult is for you. Up to 30 minutes on a Zoom consult to discuss a few topics, review your training plan, or answer your most pressing behavior or training questions. If you complete your virtual consult and choose to purchase a package within 7 days, 50% of the cost of the virtual consult will be applied to the package.

Please note that quick consults are not a substitute for a regular session or consultation (which include an intake questionnaire and assessment).